• Standards-Based Report Card FAQ

    What is a standards-based report card (SBRC)?
    The purpose of a report card is to provide clear feedback regarding student progress toward grade-specific end-of-year learning expectations. The goal in implementing a SBRC is to clearly
    communicate progress toward Massachusetts grade-level standards to both students and families.

    Where do the standards come from?
    The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has grade-level standards in all subject areas. More information can be found on the DESE website: http://www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks/current.html.

    Why are we making this change?
    The former report card was not fully aligned with the Massachusetts State Standards and/or the Common Core. When compared to the previous report card, the SBRC will offer more clarity
    and specificity about what students know and are able to do in relation to the standards, as well as what students still need to work on to meet grade-level expectations.  How will grades be communicated on the report card?
    Marblehead Public Schools developed a reporting system using the term “Performance Indicators.” The performance indicators are listed below and student performance is measured in relation to end-of-year standards.

    If my student is“Beginning” or “Progressing” in the first and second terms does that mean they are having difficulty with a particular subject?
    No, it is not uncommon for students to be in various stages of meeting a standard during terms one and two. It is important to remember that the standards are end-of-year learning benchmarks. While students may meet some standards early in the year, it is expected that their performance on other standards will be beginning or progressing as they work toward end-of-year mastery. For all students, we need to celebrate designations of Not Yet,  Beginning, and Progressing as a natural part of the learning process.

    Why is there no “Exceeding the Standard” indicator? What if students meet the standard before the end of the year?
    Standards are end-of-grade level targets. If a student shows early mastery of a standard, the teaching and learning does not stop. The teacher may provide more challenging instruction aimed at providing a deeper level of understanding, or provide more instruction focused on standards they have not yet mastered.

    My student is on an IEP. How will this report card show their progress?
    All students will receive a standards-based report card. In accordance with the law, students on IEPs will receive additional documentation of their progress toward their individualized goals and objectives on their progress report each term.

    How will students receiving English Language Education be graded?
    English Learners will receive a standards-based report card reflecting their progress within their SEI classroom. Students will continue to receive a progress report each term detailing their progress in English language proficiency.