Counselor Objectives

    • Advocates for all students.
    • Provides individual/small group support for student or family concerns.
    • Monitors student progress.
    • Assists students to strengthen their self-perception and understanding and to seek knowledgeably the services they may need.
    • Mediates in areas of conflict resolution and implements school-wide prevention/intervention programs including the MVMS Peer Mediation Program.
    • Helps students to understand themselves better by discussing with them their needs, responsibilities, decision making, development, and choices.
    • Listens to students talk about their academic accomplishments and concerns.
    • Works with students to improve social interactions and foster emotional growth in students.
    • Helps students, parents, teachers, and administrators to deal with problems within the classroom and surrounding school community that may impair a student’s ability to take advantage of the school’s educational opportunities.
    • Is usually the student’s counselor for each of the middle school years, remains a constant in his/her school life and develops a relationship with the student that will enable the counselor to support the student’s comfort and success.
    • Team member of Special Education Team Meetings.
    • Team member of school SAT crisis team.
    • Chairs TAT meetings and oversees each student’s 504 Plan.