SEPAC is all of us!

  • If you are a parent, family member, community member, elected official, educator, professional, and you are an adult and attend a SEPAC meeting, you are a SEPAC Member, and you are welcome to participate, ask questions, and assist
    with the roles of SEPAC.

    By statute, members of SEPAC are parents or interested parties of children with disabilities who live in Marblehead, or have a student in MHD schools. By Massachusetts case-law, the only resident of MHD who cannot join our SEPAC is a sitting judge!
    Another level of SEPAC membership is the governing body called the SEPAC Board of Officers and Directors who are elected for two-year terms. Essentially, the Board is responsible for fulfilling SEPAC’s charge.

    If you would like to learn more, please go to our website read our bylaws, talk with a Board Member, and join
    us at a meeting. You have an open invitation.